Adhesive magnets at high speed…Finally !

M le Magnet apply at your equipment speed

Adhesive magnets at high speed with an easy set up is just a simple revolution…

M le Magnet has developed new solutions for the packaging industry , communication and marketing.

Therefore, we are proud to bring you a simple magnet solutions based on your current label application equipment.

#1 Innovative Practical closure for Flexible packaging

M le Magnet Powerful closure


M le Magnet : flexible packaging disruptive closure


M le Magnet Single hand operation

Single hand operation Close automatically

Thanks to our DISRUPTIVE closures, targets interact more than even with your products

With M le Magnet, Brands :

  • INCREASE product retention.
  • COMMIT to better consumer product experience. More fun and more user friendly
  • DEVELOP a new target proximity
  • EMPHASIZE their values and original positioning.
  • CLOSE the purchasing decision with utmost efficiency

Behaviour and codes are reprogrammed !

#2 A DISRUPTIVE innovation …

Therefore, thanks to this high speed process, Targeted customers enjoy :

  • playful and practical magnetic closure,
  • single hand operated
  • automatic closing
  • with an optimal sealing and products conservation.

It is so human to manipulate and play with a magnet,

… it’s instinctive !

#3 Unprecedent magnetic closure at high speed productions !

M le Magnet allows your equipment to go beyond simples labelling, since it offers the possibility to integrate magnet on your products in high speed production.

#4 Magnet your targets with original communication media !

M le Magnet distinguishes any packaging from the rest:

  • Boxes for luxury products, cosmetics, educative and board games,
  • Pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical industry,
  • Food industry (cereal box, cakes, candies, pet food….)
  • Tobacco industry (pack, box, rolling paper…)

Visibility reinforces the customer in renewing purchases.

a more powerful close relation arises with the brand,

  • Cosmetic samples,
  • pills,
  • cosmetic samplers,
  • medication blister pack,
  • Flyers street-marketing,
  • Couponing,
  • business cards,
  • press media Inserts,
  • Pricing tags, ….

Magnet application makes your medias unforgettable.

Please see our applications ideas page for more : click here

M le Magnet magnetize your targets

Media are more visible

M le Magnet magnetize your targets

It’s fun !

With M le Magnet, Brands win higher visibility

In communication, experts are in constant search for innovatives solutions to better capture their targeted audience toward their brands, products or offers…

The magnet magic touch lies in its capacity to bring forward media and their messages in a lasting maner and almost everywhere in sight when the target filters are off.

With M le Magnet, your medias benefit a lasting presence.

All your creations and productions are then attracted to any metallic support in your targets everyday environment for permanent show, installed by your same target thanks to our patented technology.

Therefore, it is the life expectancy which benefit greatly for all media, boxes or products.

Everyday, your media is visible on the fridge or anywhere visible for everyone, on an average 15 times a day.

This repeated unconscious message will anchor in targets memory.

Since the brain records what he visualizes including your product samples (box) magnetized with M le Magnet.

With M le Magnet, develop all your customers’ ambitions !

In conclusion, remember, we are here to help, if you have any question on Adhesive magnets in high speed process don’t hesitate. to contact us :

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